Hypermobility - Keeping it in the box!
As a Chartered Physiotherapist with over 20 years of experience treating patients with hypermobility, Mary has devised this 4 step programme based on her clinical practice and current research. She incorporates modified exercises and principles to devise a treatment plan for clients with this common condition.
During the workshop you will examine the pathology of hypermobility in its many spectrums. We will look at the common muscular skeletal dysfunctions that present, develop a deeper understanding of the importance of facilitating the myofascial lines of the lower limb, and their relevance to function.
The outcome of the workshop is that the teacher will be able to identify the dysfunction and devise a safe and effective movement programme to re educate gait & pelvic stability in the hypermobile client as well as exploring the benefits of breath control to release tension and manage pain.
Duration: 3 hours (3 PMA CEC)
This workshop will be recorded and available for 1 month.